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Samples of our Workshops
Inclusive Education: A Deep Dive into Social Inclusion
Inclusive education comprises three parts: physical inclusion, academic inclusion, and social inclusion. In this workshop, we take a deep dive into social inclusion to support educators in cultivating opportunities for authentic social inclusion among all learners....
An Integrated Approach to Inclusion & Social-Emotional Learning
Too often in schools, we silo the work and initiatives being undertaken in the areas of inclusion and SEL. In fact, SEL can serve as a strong foundation for inclusive practices at any grade level. This workshop investigates the many points of connection between...
The Interaction between Disability and DEI Initiatives
Disability is often left out of conversations around DEI. However, with disability being the largest minority in the world, it is important to consider the intersectionality between disability and DEI initiatives. During this workshop, participants explore...
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The Power of Building Relationships With Students
Relationships are powerful in all aspects of life. They foster trust, collaboration, and personal growth, providing the foundation for effective communication and mutual support. Strong relationships enable individuals to navigate challenges more effectively, build...