Professional Development - Changing Perspectives

Professional Development

Ongoing Professional Development

Changing Perspectives offers a variety of professional development opportunities geared towards educators, paraeducators, and school leaders. All trainings are tailored specifically to the audience and organization and offer a combination of hands-on engagement and facilitated discussion. Flexible delivery options ensure maximum accessibility and convenience, and to align with the school community’s diverse needs and preferences. Professional Development is offered as a single session or series, in-person or virtually, for a half day or full day.

Learn about the workshops we offer below

SEL = Social Emotional Learning
INC = Inclusion

Behavior Management (SEL)

Behavior Management

Proactive behavior management is a cornerstone for establishing a climate for students to thrive socially and emotionally. In this workshop, we explore the importance of understanding the role trauma plays in a student’s life, the ABCs of behavior, and practical, proactive strategies that educators can implement with students right away.

Building an Inclusive Mindset (INC)

Building an Inclusive Mindset

An inclusive mindset is key to implementing inclusive practices. It’s a muscle that needs practice and commitment, and educators need tools to trasition from strategy to action. In this workshop, educators will reflect on what it means to have an inclusive mindset, consider their own areas of strength, and identify how they can cultivate an inclusive mindset among their students.

Building Inclusive Communities To Support Social-Emotional Growth (INC)

Building Inclusive Communities To Support Social-Emotional Growth

Through honest discussion and reflection, this workshop helps schools assess how their learning community currently addresses social-emotional learning and inclusion for all students. We not only identify barriers, but also existing supports and new strategies for fostering inclusion throughout the learning community.

Disability and Intersectionality (INC)

Disability and Intersectionality

This workshop examines how disability intersects with other identities, such as race, gender, and sexuality, to shape experiences of oppression and privilege. Through discussion and activities, participants will learn how to apply an intersectional lens to disability issues and to advocate for more inclusive policies and practices. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the ways in which multiple identities interact to shape individual experiences, along with a greater ability to create positive change for marginalized communities.

Disability as Diversity (INC)

Disability as Diversity

Although it is the world’s largest minority, disability is often not talked about in schools. In this workshop, participants will explore how students with disabilities contribute to diversity in a school population, what general perceptions of disability are, and how we can work to ensure that disability is considered when assessing and supporting diversity. The session focuses on topics such as language around disability and ableism to support participants in identifying actionable steps they can take (and bring back to their teams) to strengthen awareness in their learning communities.

Empathy and Sympathy: What’s the Difference? (SEL)

Empathy and Sympathy: What’s the Difference?

Empathy is a critical life skill that drives more meaningful and positive relationships. This workshop explores the difference between empathy and sympathy and the roles they play in nurturing connected, engaged learners and learning communities. Participants reflect on their own abilities to demonstrate empathy while gaining tools to teach empathy explicitly to their students through the lens of disability.

Empowering Students with Differences (INC)

Empowering Students with Differences

Empowering students with differences helps them to cultivate greater self-confidence and self-advocacy skills. This workshop highlights the value and positive outcomes of this critical process and introduces educators to specific techniques for empowering students with differences in organic, impactful ways.

Exploring NeuroDiversity (INC)

Exploring NeuroDiversity

Neurodiversity describes the understanding that all human brains are diverse. Neurodivergent people interact, experience, and interpret the world in unique ways. Sometimes, such differences creates challenges, but they can also lead to new ideas, innovations, and creative problem-solving. In this workshop, we unpack neurodiversity, provide practical strategies for supporting the neurodiverse community, and discuss the value of neurodiversity as an asset rather than a deficit.

Facilitating Inclusive Play (INC)

Facilitating Inclusive Play

Inclusive play supports students in breaking down social barriers, fostering continued respect of diversity, and becoming inclusion leaders in their schools and beyond. In this workshop, we explore the importance of inclusive play and strategies for facilitating these activities throughout the school day. Particpants explore best practices and case studies to identify specific tools and strategies they can use in their daily practice.

Inclusive and Proactive Mindfulness in Schools that Meet All Students’ Needs (INC)

Inclusive and Proactive Mindfulness in Schools that Meet All Students’ Needs

Mindfulness and integrated social-emotional learning are essential Tier 1 supports for all students. This session focuses on how schools can use these approaches proactively to help students avoid crises or to manage crises when they arise. During this session, participants discuss the imperative of including all students who are served through 504 or IEP plans in activities to promote mindfulness and SEL. Attendees also engage in authentic conversations about equity, mindfulness, and how SEL can be best addressed through a lens of intersectionality.

Inclusive Education: A Deep Dive into Academic Inclusion (INC)

Inclusive Education: A Deep Dive into Academic Inclusion

Inclusive education comprises three parts: physical inclusion, academic inclusion, and social inclusion. In this workshop, we take a deep dive into academic inclusion to support educators in strengthening their understanding and practice of academic inclusion strategies. This is a practical session designed to help participants assess areas of strength as well as considerations for improving academic inclusion to benefit all learners.

Inclusive Education: A Deep Dive into Physical Inclusion (INC)

Inclusive Education: A Deep Dive into Physical Inclusion

Inclusive education comprises three parts: physical inclusion, academic inclusion, and social inclusion. In this workshop, we take a deep dive into physical inclusion to support educators in strengthening their understanding the whats and whys of physical inclusion. From addressing individual needs to exploring universal design, participants will assess areas of strength as well as considerations for moving beyond accommodation to true inclusion for all students.

Inclusive Education: A Deep Dive into Social Inclusion (INC)

Inclusive Education: A Deep Dive into Social Inclusion

Inclusive education comprises three parts: physical inclusion, academic inclusion, and social inclusion. In this workshop, we take a deep dive into social inclusion to support educators in cultivating opportunities for authentic social inclusion among all learners. Sometimes the most challenging aspect of inclusion to navigate, social inclusion is at the foundation of community-building, individual community members’ sense of belonging, and personal and collective well-being. Participants will assess areas of strength and opportunities sewing the seeds of relationships.

An Integrated Approach to Inclusion & Social-Emotional Learning (SEL, INC)

An Integrated Approach to Inclusion & Social-Emotional Learning

Too often in schools, we silo the work and initiatives being undertaken in the areas of inclusion and SEL. In fact, SEL can serve as a strong foundation for inclusive practices at any grade level. This workshop investigates the many points of connection between inclusion and SEL and the benefits of integrating these two areas of work intentionally. Participants will consider various ways to easily begin integrating these two critical areas into a coordinated effort that maximizes the benefits of both for the entire school community.

The Interaction between Disability and DEI Initiatives (INC)

The Interaction between Disability and DEI Initiatives

Disability is often left out of conversations around DEI. However, with disability being the largest minority in the world, it is important to consider the intersectionality between disability and DEI initiatives. During this workshop, participants explore intersectionality, unpack concepts of ableism, and consider how disability as an identity plays an important role in successful DEI programming.

Paraeducators as Inclusion Partners (INC)

Paraeducators as Inclusion Partners

How do schools create authentically inclusive environments for all students? Inclusion can be an overwhelming concept. In this workshop, we provide an overview of inclusive education and the role paraeducators can play in building inclusive classroom and school environments. We explore multiple strategies, such as push-in services, pull-out services, inclusion throughout all aspects of the school day, and more.

Person-First Language (INC)

Person-First Language

Person-first language describes the respectful use of language to prioritizes an individual rather than their disability or identity. Through interactive activities and discussions, participants explore what person-first language is, why it is important, and how to determine when it is appropriate to use it (or not) and consider practical strategies for incorporating person-first language into their daily lives and work to promote greater inclusivity and respect for all students.

Putting Inclusive Practice Into Action (INC)

Putting Inclusive Practice Into Action

Designed as a forum for sharing specific school-based strategies to support inclusive practices, this workshop guides educators through a step-by-step process for evaluating, envisioning, implementing, and sustaining inclusive practices in their schools. The session includes time for participants to begin planning for the application of these strategies in their own classrooms and buildings.

SEL Embedded as Curriculum (SEL)

SEL Embedded as Curriculum

Social-emotional learning is not an add-on; it is an essential element of education that teachers and schools are integrating into standard curricula every day. In this workshop, we explore strategies for embedding SEL seamlessly into any school’s existing curriculum. Through case studies, resources, and an opportunity for educators to consider the supports they need, participants will be better equipped to strengthen SEL in their classrooms.

SEL for Complex Learners (SEL)

SEL for Complex Learners

How can you address the social-emotional learning needs of your complex learners? This training explores the how and why behind social-emotional skill-building for complex learners and provides specific strategies educators can use to ensure effective SEL instruction for learners of all kinds.

Unpacking Inclusion (INC)

Unpacking Inclusion

Inclusion fosters a positive, respectful environment that promotes learning, growth, and development for all individuals. In this workshop, we dive into the three key components of inclusion that are essential for creating an inclusive school – academic, physical, and social. Through discussion of what barrier-free spaces look, sound, and feelslike (e.g., classroom design, technology integration, differentiated instruction, and promoting diversity and equity), participants gain practical strategies and tools to create more inclusive learning environments.

The Value of Acknowledging: Relationships, Behavior, & Emotions (SEL)

The Value of Acknowledging: Relationships, Behavior, & Emotions

Students who feel safe and supported by adults at school are better able to learn, and building positive relationships with students is critical to creating a healthy learning environment. Observing and assessing behavioral changes provides educators with insight into students’ emotional well-being and creates opportunities for intervention. This workshop dives into strategies for establishing deeper relationships with students, methods for interpreting student behaviors, and techniques for supporting students’ social and emotional needs.

The What and Why of Inclusion (INC)

The What and Why of Inclusion

Inclusion of all students in a school strengthens the fabric of the learning community, encourages empathetic collaboration and communication, supports understanding and respect of diversity, and, ultimately, benefits all learners. In this workshop, we examine three types of inclusion – academic, physical, and social – specifically focused on ensuring inclusive practices in all the places and spaces within a school site. Participants take away their own inclusion checklist to begin making tangible changes in their schools.

The What and Why of Inclusive Communities (INC)

The What and Why of Inclusive Communities

Inclusion of people with disabilities is not limited to PreK-22 programs, it is integral to all aspects of mainstream society. This workshop explores examples of inclusion of people with disabilities beyond formal educational spaces to support educators in empowering students with disabilities to be active participants in a broad range of social areas throughout their lives.

What Is Disability Awareness? (INC)

What Is Disability Awareness?

An essential piece of improving outcomes for all students is nurturing greater self- and peer-awareness. When we educate students about differences, we create opportunities to honor individual strengths and weaknesses. Students who feel confident in their uniqueness can advocate for themselves and are able to collaborate and communicate with their peers in safe, respectful ways. This workshop defines the concept of disability awareness, highlights positive impacts of implementing disability awareness in your school and classrooms, and offers specific strategies for embedding these themes into everyday curriculum.

What is your Inclusion Inspiration? (INC)

What is your Inclusion Inspiration?

Disability is the largest minority in the world. When considering inclusive practices in our communities, we must first reflect on our own lived experiences. Through guided conversations, participants in this workshop explore examples in their own lives and make meaningful connections to inclusion work with practical approaches to implement in their classrooms.

What Is SEL? (SEL)

What Is SEL?

A critical part of every child’s education, social-emotional learning (SEL) is a framework for helping students develop critical skills for how they interact with others, manage their own emotions and behaviors, and develop into confident, productive, and empathetic individuals. This workshop serves as an introduction to SEL and its value in supporting students both socially and academically. We break SEL into core areas of focus, review impact data, and provide participants with context for social-emotional skill building in the classroom and beyond.

Where Do I Begin? Conversations Around Sensitive Topics (SEL)

Where Do I Begin? Conversations Around Sensitive Topics

In this group professional development session, we presents five steps for initiating and guiding student discussions about disabilities and other sensitive topics to help educators gain valuable tools to use in their daily teaching practice. Awareness is the foundation for empathy. In order for students to achieve greater empathy, educators must be able to facilitate conversations about sensitive issues with their students confidently and effectively.


The presentations at staff meetings have been a huge value of working with Changing Perspectives.

Principal - Maryland

I appreciate the professional development and the training for our support staff. I would recommend that.
Teacher - California

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Find out more about our professional development services.

Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization registered in the US under EIN 46-3115902

Changing Perspectives

P.O. Box 710
Montpelier, VT 05601
P.O. Box 340664
Sacramento, CA 95834

888-870-2210  •

