Resource Library
Welcome to the Changing Perspectives Resource Library. This resource library is designed to provide educators with summaries and links to other publications and organizations for further reading about a range of topics related to social-emotional learning, differences, diversity, and education. Our hope is to curate resources that you can use for your own learning, share with colleagues and/or parents to support greater awareness, education and practical tools for improving student well-being.
Use the menu on the left to search resources by topic or audience (you may select more than one menu item at a time; search results will include resources that meet all your selected menu items). When selected, a menu item will be highlighted in blue. Click on a blue menu item to de-select it and remove it from your search criteria.
Resources on this page are updated monthly. If you know of a resource we should include, send it to us!
From EdSurge: “These students were learning some very difficult news as they stared into their computer screens.”
From Learning For Justice: “As leaders, we must all commit to this work. We must face the reality that we are in an ongoing fight to disrupt inequity wherever it exists.”
From “By pausing to notice the way we respond to others, we can open ourselves up to more honest communication.”
From KQED: “Boys are relational learners. They learn best in the context of strong, supportive relationships.”
From Remezcla: “Racism isn’t a new issue but in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests, more people are openly discussing the subject for the first time.”
Fro KQED: “Positive relationships with caring adults can help buffer students from the effects of trauma and chronic stress.”
From Love That Max blog: “Inclusion starts with talking about what’s similar between your child and ones with disabilities since different can be intimidating and scary.”
From ILS Learning Corner: “How much time do we spend teaching our children to identify their emotions and what triggers those emotions?”
From Chalk Beat: What surveys of teachers and parents tell us about how it went.
From Learning For Justice: The Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board shares what they’ve learned as they’ve worked for justice in schools.
From “What we knew as soft skills in the past are now essential and critical social-emotional skills for today.”
From AngelSense: “The summer can be particularly trying for both kids with autism, and their parents.”