Resource Library
Welcome to the Changing Perspectives Resource Library. This resource library is designed to provide educators with summaries and links to other publications and organizations for further reading about a range of topics related to social-emotional learning, differences, diversity, and education. Our hope is to curate resources that you can use for your own learning, share with colleagues and/or parents to support greater awareness, education and practical tools for improving student well-being.
Use the menu on the left to search resources by topic or audience (you may select more than one menu item at a time; search results will include resources that meet all your selected menu items). When selected, a menu item will be highlighted in blue. Click on a blue menu item to de-select it and remove it from your search criteria.
Resources on this page are updated monthly. If you know of a resource we should include, send it to us!
![Six Ways to Build Community in Online Classrooms](
From KQED: “Doing artistic things is so vulnerable,” she said. “You can’t really feel comfortable creating things in a space that you don’t feel safe.”
![How Making Kindness A Priority Benefits Students](
From KQED: “For many students in the U.S., the importance of being kind trails behind other cultural values.”
![The Empathy and Compassion Biden Talks About Are SEL Skills Every Child Should Have](
From The 74 Million: “Educators can help children develop these skills in the classroom (both in person and virtual) in a number of ways.”
![How To Talk, And Listen, To Your Students During Times of Crisis](
From “These are scary times, and discussing scary things is hard… But talking about, and learning about things that matter is what students want, need, and deserve to do in school.”
![Some Families Hope Pandemic Can Spur Change in Special Education](
From KQED: “Simultaneous crises of a pandemic and recession are further straining a special education system that has long struggled to effectively serve students with disabilities.”
![How to Talk to Kids About the Riots at the US Capitol](
From KQED: “What’s notable about this crisis is that so many children were at home where they could watch it unfold in real time, with no check on the dosage of news.”
![Caring for Students in the Wake of a Traumatic News Event](
From Education Week: “What’s important is not to tell people that they shouldn’t be angry or they can’t be fearful. There’s no judgment about the emotion … “
![What Do We Mean When We Say ‘Social and Emotional Skills’?](
From KQED: “There is also new research indicating that school-based interventions to promote social and emotional skills have large, and long-term, positive impacts.”
![7 Books To Help Address and Discuss Tough Topics With Kids](
From KQED: “We are living in challenging times,” says children’s book author Matt de la Peña — and kids are taking a lot of it in.
![What Makes An Excellent Online Teacher?](
From Harvard Graduate School of Education: “Strong decision-making skills can help educators build engaging and welcoming virtual classrooms.”
![With Stress In Schools Increasing, Simple Strategies to Stay Calm](
From Edutopia: In North Carolina, a program offers ‘rapid resets’ to help teachers and students calm their minds and bodies and get back to learning.
![Parents, It’s Okay To Let Your Kids Ask About My Prosthetic Leg](
From The Mighty: “When I was born, I didn’t get two legs like you. Mine were different and the doctors had to fix one so that I could have a leg like this.”