News - Changing Perspectives


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Read Alouds That Rock: SEL Storytimes

From Publishers Weekly: "Three teachers and one librarian who are trying their best to help their students navigate their emotional lives through SEL storytimes, explain their successes and favorite titles."

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4 steps to a successful SEL implementation

From eSchool News: "Any school or district that wants to adopt an SEL platform must put some time and effort into the selection process, make time for the SEL lessons, and then create a school culture that embraces and benefits from SEL. Four tips from a Wisconsin HS...

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The Emotional Variable in Student Learning

From Faculty Focus: To successfully educate and tutor students, their emotional state must be considered. Noorina Mirza, English professor at Nova Southeastern University considers psychologist Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory to understand the emotional...

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How to Support Your Teen’s Social and Emotional Needs

From Inside SEL: "By implementing social and emotional learning strategies at home, you can be a strong support system while educating your teenager on how to manage their emotions on their own as they get ready to step into the real world."

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