News - Changing Perspectives


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Mental Health Awareness Month Activities for Schools

From Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: "May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. It's a great opportunity for teachers to take stock of their students'—and their own—health and well-being. Mental health awareness in the classroom starts with you."

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Understanding Disability in the LGBTQ+ Community

From the HRC Foundation: "LGBTQ+ people are more likely to be disabled than non-LGBTQ+ people. The duality of their identities as LGBTQ+ and disabled increases the amount of discrimination and bias they face in their daily lives, at school, at the doctors, or at work."

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SEL From Bell to Bell in Middle and High School

From Edutopia: You might be able to master advanced math, speak three languages fluently, and maintain a 4.0 grade point average, but if you can’t manage your emotions, practice conflict resolution, or handle stress, none of the other stuff is really going to matter.

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How to Identify Bullying

From National Educators Association: "We must be able to identify bullying in order to intervene. Once bullying is identified, we can take the necessary actions to stop bullying and prevent it from occurring in the future."

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What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Bullying in Schools?

From Greater Good Magazine: "In a recent paper that reviewed dozens of studies of real-world bullying prevention efforts, we found two research-tested approaches that show the most promise for reducing bullying (along with other forms of aggression and conflict). They...

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Empower Your Students with Self-Compassion

From Mindful Schools: "As early as preschool, we’re taught to be nice to others–but we are rarely taught how to be kind to ourselves. Build a 'Compassion Board' or try this 'Love Letter' exercise to empower your students with self-compassion."

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Two and a Crayon: The Hottest New Brain Break

From Bored Teachers: "The kids in your classroom can lose their minds for any number of reasons and you’re left wondering how you’re going to get them back on task without going crazy yourself. Two and a Crayon is a super simple brain break that’s fun and teaches your...

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Huge Emotions and the Adolescent Brain

From Edutopia: "Teachers can use clips from the movie Turning Red to explore with students the ways adolescence changes the brain. We must address the feelings and sensations our students are carrying into our classrooms and schools because these impact academic and...

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Inclusive SEL Helps Students Thrive

From National Association of Elementary School Principals: "A curriculum that fails to recognize the racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds of students won’t build social-emotional skills. Consider whether all of your students can access the curriculum equally, and...

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