Virtual Coaching - Changing Perspectives

Virtual Coaching

Changing Perspectives Experts can Help

Virtual coaching offers educators and administrators access to a trusted Changing Perspectives expert for advice, immediate feedback, technical assistance, and ongoing support to help achieve the goals of a particular classroom/school. Virtual coaching may be delivered one-on-one or with a small team.

Instructional Coaching

Focuses on improving teaching practices and instructional strategies to enhance student outcomes. Features collaboration with teachers to set goals, observe, provide feedback, and offer resources and support to implement effective teaching techniques.

Administrator Coaching

Helps leaders clarify their vision, set goals, and navigate challenges in fostering a positive school culture and driving organizational change.

New Teacher Coaching

Supports novice educators in their initial years of teaching by providing guidance, support, and mentorship. Features practical advice, shared resources, classroom instruction observation, and feedback to help new teachers build confidence, develop effective teaching practices, and navigate the challenges of the profession.

Specialized Content Coaching

Targets specific specialized teaching practices to support educators in deepening their content knowledge, refining instructional strategies, and integrating best practices to improve student achievement in specific areas.

Equity Coaching

Addresses issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion within educational settings. Supports educators in recognizing and addressing systemic inequities, implementing culturally responsive teaching practices, and creating inclusive learning environments where all students feel valued and supported.

Data Coaching

Focuses on using data effectively to inform instructional decision-making and improve student outcomes. Assists educators in analyzing assessment data, identifying trends, setting instructional goals, and developing data-driven strategies to address student needs and to monitor progress over time.

Curriculum Coaching

Supports educators with SEL and/or Disability Awareness curriculum implementation to maximize student engagement and outcomes.

What has been so significant about the Changing Perspectives program is being able to have that coaching aspect and connecting with you and knowing that all the materials have been vetted and developed by teachers, and with a teacher’s lens, which is huge.” 

Middle School Teacher - Vermont

“Changing Perspectives is unique because of the support they provide to us. Any time we’ve ever had a conversation either one on one or as a group, you’re very flexible. That really isn’t found in other programs, so your dedication in your role with this program is pretty incredible.” 
School Counselor - Maryland

Free 30 Minute Consultation

Find out more about our virtual coaching services.

Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization registered in the US under EIN 46-3115902

Changing Perspectives

P.O. Box 710
Montpelier, VT 05601
P.O. Box 340664
Sacramento, CA 95834

888-870-2210  •
