Educating All Learners Alliance Podcast: 5 Minutes with Changing Perspectives - Changing Perspectives

Educating All Learners Alliance Podcast: 5 Minutes with Changing Perspectives

Learn more about Changing Perspective’s unique learning models and the ways in which they help bring equitable and inclusive structure to the field of education.

Changing Perspectives‘ Executive Director, Sam Drazin, was featured in Educating All Learners Alliance‘s podcast to talk about all about our 4 part-inclusive programming! In this episode, Sam gives a quick and thoughtful overview of who Changing Perspectives is, and how we perform our work in partnership with schools across the nation. Tune in to understand more about our amazing organization!

Listen Now Check Out Educating All Learners Alliance’s Podcast


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Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization registered in the US under EIN 46-3115902

Changing Perspectives

P.O. Box 710
Montpelier, VT 05601
P.O. Box 340664
Sacramento, CA 95834

888-870-2210  •



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