Meet our Board of Directors 22-23 - Changing Perspectives

Meet our Board of Directors 22-23

Changing Perspectives recently had our annual Board of Directors meeting in Washington D.C. We wanted to take this time to introduce you to these spectacular individuals – not only do they represent our missionpartners, and community, but they also are responsible for governing the direction of Changing Perspectives. We appreciate their volunteerism and the wealth of personal and professional expertise they bring!


Board of Directors

Here are our board members and a little message from them about why they’ve become involved with Changing Perspectives!

David (VT)

“I consider myself lucky to have had the sort of career and experiences that taught me the value of inclusion and benefits to an equitable community. Being a member of the Board of Directors allows me the opportunity to help others learn those same truths.”

Savitha (TX)

Social-emotional learning is the century’s priority for our students’ future success. In this time of artificial intelligence, the tools we can equip our children with to be in touch with their humanity is more important than ever before. The mission of Changing Perspectives is my mission as well.”

Edward (DE)

“I was interested in joining the board of directors because I am very impressed with the work that the organization has done over the last couple of years. For me, the mission correlates with my own experience as a poor biracial child who struggled with his identity and resources. Changing Perspectives focuses on supporting equity, inclusion, and social-emotional learning for all students.”

Angela (VT)

“I have devoted my career to working with young adults and helping them mature into productive, empathetic citizens. The needs of students, and their families, have changed over the past two decades. I believe in the value of a partnership with Changing Perspectives, which is why I dedicate my time to serving the Board of Directors.”

Bryan (FL)

“There are many non-profits out there supporting educational organizations, but rarely is there a team that not only has passion for the mission, but practical, achievable steps to help their partners achieve success. Every dollar that goes to Changing Perspectives goes toward making children’s education and the world a better place.”

Deirdre (NJ)

“I have worked in special education for 30 years and I know that children with disabilities do best when they are understood and accepted for their unique contributions to society. Changing Perspectives is an organization that supports all children and is committed to promoting inclusion so I am happy to support their efforts.”

Ellen (CO)

I deeply align with the Changing Perspectives mission and values. I believe that it is through education that students are empowered to become the change makers of the future; considering the current state of the world, we definitely could use more individuals who are dedicated to building a more inclusive, equitable, accessible society for all!


The work that Changing Perspectives does can make long-lasting effects on how children view their peers with disabilities.     This work will make classes, schools, school boards, and ultimately communities more inclusive. I am excited to be a part of this team, as I see the work being done as critical to actualizing true inclusion.”

Kathy (CA)

I have spent my 40-year career working with children with physical disabilities as a teacher and an administrator. I have found, in general, teachers and school districts are not resistive to inclusion, they just don’t know where to start. I believe Changing Perspectives curriculum provides the tools needed to create an inclusion program with educated students and staff that have the ability to change lives.


Interested in a Workshop?

Whether a single workshop, several, or a workshop customized for you, your school, and your needs, Changing Perspectives can help.

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Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization registered in the US under EIN 46-3115902

Changing Perspectives

P.O. Box 710
Montpelier, VT 05601
P.O. Box 340664
Sacramento, CA 95834

888-870-2210  •



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