Lessons in Kindness: A Vermont Nonprofit Helps Kids Learn Empathy - Changing Perspectives

Lessons in Kindness: A Vermont Nonprofit Helps Kids Learn Empathy

“With Changing Perspectives, which is funded primarily through grants and smaller financial contributions from participating schools, timing is important: It’s “proactive, or preventative,” meaning it teaches kids to be empathetic before social isolation or bullying becomes a problem. The program gives kids time, and a safe space, to learn and talk openly about differences that are visible, like visual impairment and physical disabilities, and invisible ones, like learning disabilities and social-emotional challenges.” Read the full article about Changing Perspectives from Kids VT News.

Interested in a Workshop?

Whether a single workshop, several, or a workshop customized for you, your school, and your needs, Changing Perspectives can help.

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Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization registered in the US under EIN 46-3115902

Changing Perspectives

P.O. Box 710
Montpelier, VT 05601
P.O. Box 340664
Sacramento, CA 95834

888-870-2210  •  info@cpne.org



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